Mid-career recruitment

※ We are occasionally recruiting. If you are interested, please contact us by phone. (Recruitment Officer) Ito Tel. +81-92-322-1404

Job roles ◦Heavy machinery operator
◦Fertilizer manufacturing personnel
Employment formFull-time employee (with trial period of about 6 months)
WorkplaceFukuoka Prefecture, Itoshima city (head office and factory)
Working hoursWe adopt a modified working hours system with annual working hours, 40 hours a week, 7 hours 30 minutes a day.
Starting time: 8:30
End time: 17: 00 Break: 12: 00 - 13: 00
Holidays Sundays, second and fourth Saturdays of the month, National Holidays, Summer Vacation,
New Year's HolidayAnnual paid vacation (as stipulated by law)
Salary categoryMonthly salary
Basic salary
Overtime payOver statutory time (25%), statutory holiday (35%), late night (25%)
Payment period end date, payment dateOn the last day of every month, payment on 10th of every month
※ However payment on the previous day if the 10th is a holiday
Bonus Bonuses are available (August, December)
Business contents Fertilizer manufacturing business
Social insurance Employment insurance, workers’ accident compensation insurance, health insurance, welfare pension insurance
Retirement ageWhile the retirement age is 60 years old, there is a re-employment system until 65 years old.
Remarks Although it seems to be a workplace for men, male and females over 50 are also eligible for employment.